This is the beginning of an incredibly ambitious project: summarizing and recording the entire Bible in language that a young child can understand. This is just the first book of 66!

The impetus for this work was the fact that I, myself, after reading through chapters of the Bible, would sometimes find myself wondering what exactly it was that I just read. If I feel that way as an adult, how must some of these children feel? I wanted to give them a version of the Bible that would help them fully comprehend its stories. This is not to replace reading the Bible in its entirety but to be a help.

This could also be a big help to people who are newer in church and unfamiliar with the Bible, giving them a better understanding of the events in the Bible.

Who we are

Apostolic Children’s Ministry was developed to make your job as an Apostolic working in children’s ministry easier by giving you all the tools you need to help in making children’s ministry exciting.

We have also made it our mission to get as much Apostolic content into the hands of people and to our CHILDREN as possible!

To help you, we have posted MANY lessons with videos to show you EXACTLY how to reproduce the effects.  You can make EVERY Sunday exciting and make the kids WANT TO COME BACK!